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Tusk Rubber Wind Isolator for LED Light Bars

Tusk Rubber Wind Isolator for LED Light Bars

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Part# 1636410001


For those experiencing a whistling noise from your LED light bar, this is coming from the wind going between the cooling fins on the back of the light bar and causing them to vibrate and whistle at certain speeds. The Tusk rubber wind isolators are the perfect fix to solve this issue! Small rubber wedges that go between the fins keep the vibrations down and eliminate the whistling noise without messing with the cooling function of the fins. The rubber isolators are sold in pairs to work with one light bar up to 30” in length. Think Tusk for all of your motorcycle, ATV, and UTV lighting needs.
  • Rubber wind isolator for led light bars with cooling fins.
  • Prevents the wind from vibrating cooling fins and making a whistling noise.
  • Sold in a pair, one pair is good for light bars up to 30".
  • Works with Tusk, Totron, Slasher Products, Open Trails, and many other brands of light bars with cooling fins.